Meet our environmental testing and compliance team at The Energy from Waste Conference 2024. In attendance at stand 9 are Matt Sumner, James Bealing, and Mark Perkins. Speak with our friendly team to overcome your environmental challenges.


About the event

The Energy from Waste Conference 2024 is set to be a pivotal event, gathering the foremost experts, leaders, and developers in the industry for two days of invaluable insights and networking opportunities.

With a diverse array of topics, attendees can expect to delve deep into the critical issues shaping the future of waste-to-energy. The conference promises to drive business growth within the dynamic landscape of energy from waste. 


Meet our team at stand 9

Element plays a crucial role in supporting the energy from waste sector by offering comprehensive environmental compliance services tailored specifically for energy from waste plants. From ensuring adherence to environmental permits to prioritizing employee safety and preventing contamination of local environments, Element's services are integral to the smooth operation of these facilities. 

As the leading provider of environmental compliance services, conducting more testing on energy from waste sites across the UK, Ireland, and Europe than any other supplier, attending the Energy from Waste Conference 2024 allows us to showcase our capabilities,  industry leadership, and stay abreast of the latest developments and challenges facing the sector, reaffirming our commitment to supporting the energy from waste industry in achieving its environmental goals.

Book a meeting or speak with us today

Book a meeting with our team to learn more about our services and how we can support with your environmental challenges.

Element's energy from waste plant services

Our team is ready to help you achieve compliance, minimize risks and improve environmental sustainability by providing a broad spectrum of services including onsite stack emissions monitoringresidence time verificationambient air qualityoccupational hygiene, and the laboratory analysis of ash, water and soil including VOC, and dioxins & furans. We work alongside operators to comply with environmental permits and ultimately protect human health and our earth.


Element in energy from waste

Watch our video to discover how Element is supporting waste plant operators from site commissioning to emissions testing, process monitoring, and the analysis of soil, ash, and water.

Our experts provide trusted testing solutions for every part of the energy-from-waste process.

Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.